Organic Gardening: A Step-by-Step Approach to Sustainable Gardening


As more people turn to sustainable practices within their homes and gardens, organic gardening is becoming more and more popular.

But what is organic gardening?

The point of organic gardening is to work within natural cycles and systems to reduce your gardening impact on the environment and increase sustainability. It isn't simply avoiding using chemicals and pesticides; there is more to it, which means it is more exciting, challenging and rewarding.

The process of organic gardening uses natural methods to create a healthy, productive and sustainable growing environment. This is usually done by nourishing the soil, promoting wildlife and collaborating with nature in innovative ways to control weeds, illnesses and pests.

If you are thinking about jumping on the bandwagon of organic gardening. In this blog, we share some tips and tricks for this type of gardening.


No matter what you are growing, you want to make sure that you have well-nourished soil; this is key to a successful garden.

Compost and well-rotted animal manure introduce humus to the soil, which improves the soil structure and fertility, conserves moisture and increases worm activity. These all help your plants grow strong and healthy.

While both animal manure and compost are both sustainable materials to add to your garden, animal manure will cost money and will need to be fully rotted before being applied. Therefore, often homemade compost is a better option.

Once the compost has been sat for a year, having been turned regularly, spread it across the soil, using it as mulch.

Natural Pest Control

Natural pest control methods are an important part of organic gardening, aiming to manage pests without synthetic chemicals. These methods encompass a range of techniques and strategies that utilise biological, mechanical, and cultural means to keep pest populations in check. Examples include introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs or praying mantises to prey on harmful pests, using companion planting to repel insects or attract beneficial ones, and using physical barriers like row covers to protect crops from pests.

These methods promote the health and balance of the ecosystem within your garden, fostering resilience against pest outbreaks. By avoiding chemical pesticides, organic gardeners also safeguard the health of beneficial insects, soil microorganisms, and other organisms that help the garden's overall health.

Using natural pest control methods involves keeping a close eye on your garden and taking proactive steps to manage pests. Keep an eye on your plants regularly to spot any signs of pest damage, and get to know the habits of common pests and the critters that prey on them. To keep pests at bay, try preventive tactics like keeping your soil healthy, changing up where you plant your crops, and keeping everything nice and clean.

If pests still become a problem, don't panic! There are organic-approved options like neem oil or insecticidal soaps that you can use, but use them sparingly to minimise any harm to helpful bugs and the environment. With a little attention and the right strategies, you can keep your garden healthy and pest-free the natural way.

Companion Planting

Companion planting is like playing matchmaker in your garden, pairing up plants that help each other thrive. It's all about choosing plant buddies that have a positive influence on each other, whether it's by deterring pests, enhancing nutrient uptake, or improving pollination. To get started, do a little research or ask fellow gardeners about which plants make good companions. Then, plan out your garden beds accordingly, grouping compatible plants together.

If you are looking for some advice on this, don't hesitate to get in touch with our expert team who will be able to help you find the perfect combination of companion plants for your garden. We are also able to provide you with a selection of companion plants with our planting packages.

One classic example of companion planting is pairing tomatoes with basil. Not only do they taste great together in recipes, but basil also helps repel pests that bother tomatoes, like aphids and hornworms. Similarly, planting marigolds among your veggies can ward off nematodes and other soil-dwelling pests. Another handy trick is to grow tall plants like corn or sunflowers alongside low-growing crops to provide shade or wind protection.

The beauty of companion planting lies in its natural synergy. By strategically pairing plants, you can create a balanced ecosystem where each species supports the others, leading to healthier plants and fewer pest problems. Plus, it's a fun and creative way to experiment in the garden, adding diversity and visual interest to your growing space. So grab your gardening gloves and start matchmaking – your plants will thank you for it!

Organic Fertilisers

Organic fertilisers are like superfoods for your plants, providing essential nutrients naturally and sustainably. Unlike synthetic fertilisers, which can be harsh on the environment and disrupt soil health, organic fertilisers are derived from natural sources such as compost, manure, bone meal, or seaweed. They work by nourishing the soil with a rich blend of nutrients, promoting strong root development, lush foliage, and bountiful harvests.

Homemade compost is a great organic fertiliser. However, if you aren't able to build up your own compost pile, you can use the likes of fish emulsion, which is made from fish waste and is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium – essential nutrients for plant growth.

One of the key benefits of organic fertilisers is their ability to feed not only your plants but also the soil ecosystem. They improve soil structure, water retention, and microbial activity, creating a healthy environment where plants can thrive. Plus, organic fertilisers release nutrients slowly over time, reducing the risk of nutrient runoff and pollution. By nourishing your garden with organic fertilisers, you're not just feeding your plants – you're nurturing the entire ecosystem, from the soil microbes to the earthworms, for long-lasting health and vitality.

Organic Practises at The Real Green Gardener

The team at The Real Green Gardener are experts in all gardening practices, including organic gardening.

Whether you are simply looking for some assistance in choosing a selection of plants with our bedding plant packages, or want a complete garden design with sustainable and organic practices at the forefront, we can help.

We are also able to amend our maintenance services to work with you to manage your garden in line with your organic gardening values.

With our years of experience and wealth of knowledge, we know which plants work well together, what fertilisers are organically certified and how to control pests naturally, meaning you can trust us to garden in a manner that fits with your aims and values.

Learn more about organic gardening practices at The Real Green Gardener by talking to our team. Call us on 01202 722943 or complete our contact form, and will get in touch with you.